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Simulation and Virtual Reality

VR-1000 Stereoscopic Projection Panel

Vrex, Inc.

VRex, Inc.'s VR-1 3-D stereoscopic LCD overhead projection panelprojects computer-generated 3-D stills, animation, and video images forspectacular 3-D viewing.The VR-1 portable projection panel enables users to see large 3-Dimages with the depth and clarity of human stereo vision. With the VR-1, your presentations will do much more than inform or instruct --they'll make an unforgettable impact.In addition to projecting 3-D images to audiences of any size, the VR-1 provides all the features of conventional 2-D projection systems andcan be used for all existing 2-D applications. The VR-1 incorporatesa proprietary optical technology. This technology works with VRex'sfamily of 3-D products to bring a true sense of depth to many 3-Dapplications in multimedia, virtual reality, business, health care,entertainment, and more.With the VR-1 and CyberBook, for the first time, 3-D stereoscopicpresentations are cost-effective for viewing by large groups. You willcaptivate your audience when you produce spectacular, life-like 3-Dimages, in any size room. Mesmerized, your audience will closely followyour entire presentation, thus allowing you to be confident that yourdazzling, more informative 3-D images will be easily comprehended andretained by all viewers.The revolutionary VRex system lets you view 3-D images on a vivid activematrix LCD screen through inexpensive, passive glasses. Thistechnological breakthrough eliminates the need for costly, bulkyelectronic headgear and offers unprecedented compatibility andportability.All VRex display products utilize the VRex S-MUX software, which enablesordinary graphic programs to create spectacular, true-to-life color 3-Dimages.The VR-10 operates with inexpensive, passive glasses which can bedistributed to large groups. This eliminates bulky, costly electronicheadgear. Teamed with the CyberBook and/or other VRex 3-D products, 3-Dimages can finally be shown to large audiences for minimal price.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Vrex, Inc.
8 Skyline Dr
Hawthorne, NY 10532
Phone: (914) 345-8877
Fax: (914) 345-9558